

St方向. 竞技宝app下载安装


一个圣. 竞技宝app下载安装的教育装备你没有其他-因为St. 竞技宝app下载安装是一所与众不同的大学. You'll learn to think deeply, travel boldly, 和 use your abilities for the good of others.

在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装,我们不能坐等未来的到来. 我们会尽我们所能去做.



Be encouraged – 和 excited – about what lies in your future, especially college! 当你们继续制定计划时,请知道我们与你们同在.



你已经开始接受教育了. 现在完成你在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装. 我们与你同行,引导和鼓励你走到最后.



欢迎你来这里! 友好,邀请和接受:这是独特的竞技宝app下载安装. From the moment you arrive on campus until the day you graduate, we are here to help.



Committed 一年级 和 转移 students for fall 2024 receive priority access to pick their preferred orientation session. 如果你已经提交,但没有收到注册定向的链接, 请联系你的招生顾问.



欢迎周 marks your first days on campus 和 gives you the full experience of what it means to be Ambrosian: serving your community, 一起学习, 玩得开心!



探索. 得到的启发. 有所作为.

You're beginning quite the journey – 和 SAU is here to support you all the way!

大学课程不仅仅是上课和学习, 但也包括这两者之间的一切:培养学习技能, 满足学位要求, 强化学习(如果你愿意的话)!),并发现你真正喜欢学习的东西.



与St对齐的课程. 竞技宝app下载安装 通识教育 Outcomes 和 Requirements advance our mission by supporting students' achievement in skills 和 knowledge grounded in the liberal arts 和 the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

咨询你的学术顾问,并参考当前 大学目录 提供通识教育课程.


Students with disabilities may use a variety of 服务 or reasonable accommodations intended to reduce the effects a disability may have on performance in a traditional academic setting.

服务不会降低课程标准或改变学位要求, 但要给学生一个更好的机会来展示他们的学术能力.



我们的学生成功中心 为所有本科生提供学术支持, 我们的导师都是经过认证和严格培训的.

Learn about our individual 和 group programs 和 how our tutors can help you succeed in your studies.


Make the most of your first year of college by enrolling in a common learning experience with your new peers.

First Year 学习竞技宝app下载 are designed to help you make friends 和 form relationships with faculty who are interested in helping 一年级 students make a smooth transition to college.

Some learning communities provide an introduction to a major while others are built around an interesting theme or current issue. All communities include two courses that fulfill major or general education requirements.



Join an inquisitive culture of scholars: a small community of students eager to learn, 有很强的职业道德, 并且对智力上的推动有着强烈的兴趣.

除了严谨的研究和涉及面广, 多学科讨论的荣誉核心课程, each student will have the opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary research project or scholarly activity. This intensive focus is invaluable preparation for academic work beyond an undergraduate degree.



位于Rogalski中心的St. 竞技宝app下载安装 书店 carries school supplies, textbooks, SAU gear, 和 more. 



前往 居住生活 网站,你可以:


脸谱网 | 推特 @SAUreslife | Instagram


在接下来的四年里,现在的学生和家庭将密切合作 学生财务服务是我们的经济援助、学生账户和普通课程注册中心.

我们的财务援助工作人员期待着在迎新会上见到你! Here are a few items that we want to make sure you are thinking about regarding financial aid. Please take the time to review these items, 和 complete as many as you can prior to orientation:

  • 你的经济资助文件是否完整,所有文件都提交了? Making sure your financial aid file is complete is critical to ensuring that all your financial aid is disbursed to your account. 如果你不确定你的财政援助的状态,请联系 学生财务服务.
  • 你是否完成了相应的联邦学生贷款文件? If you are planning on receiving Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans, you will have to complete a master promissory note 和 loan entrance counseling at studentaid.政府.
  • 你准备好应付秋季的付款日期了吗? 秋季学期的付款截止日期为2024年8月5日. 帐单帐单将在七月中旬左右寄到您的家庭住址.
  • 你是否需要选择助学金后的剩余余额?
    • 联邦家长PLUS贷款:  联邦政府向父母和继父母提供贷款. If approved, your parent or stepparent may borrow up to the amount due plus books for the year.
    • 私人贷款:  students may apply for a private loan through any bank or credit union offering a private education loan. 大多数学生将被要求有一个信誉良好的担保人. 以下是学生在SAU使用过的贷款机构列表.
    • 付款计划:  St. 竞技宝app下载安装 offers a variety of payment plan options with the 5-month payment plan being the most beneficial. All of our payment plans are interest-free 和 as long as you set up your payment plan online prior to the start of classes there are no set-up fees. For more information regarding our payment plans or if you need additional assistance, 请浏览 我们网站上的学生账户页面.

竞技宝app下载安装 students are cared for by our on-staff, registered nurse, Nancy Hines, RN, BSN.

她免费提供, confidential assessment of illness or injury 和 refers students to an appropriate health care provider when necessary.

查看此运行状况服务检查表, which includes the Health Form that needs to be completed prior to starting classes.



咨询中心 offers a variety of free support 服务 to assist students with mental health concerns.

We offer students an initial intake appointment where we discuss their concerns 和 make a plan to support their needs.

Students are encouraged to use the full range of our 服务 including: individual counseling, 团体治疗, 信息研讨会, 和 在线辅助治疗(TAO Connect). Individual sessions are focused on short term barriers to student success 和 limited to six sessions per semester. 讲习班涵盖了诸如表现焦虑等重要主题, 拖延症, 以及对压力的健康反应.

咨询中心的工作人员都是有执照的, professional social workers who have a range of experience 和 expertise in issues students may face. 这些问题包括:

  • 学业上的担忧,比如考试焦虑, 完美主义, 低的动机, 适应大学或出勤问题.
  • 关系问题,比如与室友的冲突, 浪漫关系, 原生家庭关系和设定健康的界限.
  • 抑郁发作, 焦虑, 与身体形象作斗争, 身份的发展, 自尊, 创伤和与毒品或酒精的斗争.

我们鼓励所有学生与咨询中心联系. We will explain the options for care on campus 和 服务 in the local community if those are preferred.

联络我们: 咨询center@bellezhang.com or 563-333-6423.



The 学术和职业规划 Office (ACP) can help you with choosing a major or career, 制作简历, 找实习或工作, 以及介于两者之间的一切.

我们也会帮你找一个 校内工作和勤工俭学的机会.

要了解更多信息, 浏览ACP网页.


St. 竞技宝app下载安装 contracts with PerMar Security – a national company headquartered in Davenport – to provide safety 和 security to all employees 和 students on campus.

以支持教育使命, SAU Security works in partnership with the community to proactively reduce risks to safety, 应对安全威胁/挑战, enhance 和 maintain an environment conducive to study 和 growth while acknowledging the dignity of each person using SAU facilities, 服务, 和程序.

在SAU安全网站上了解停车和校园安全,包括如何购买你的 停车许可证.




SAU 健康与娱乐 promotes 和 encourages a physically active college lifestyle through tons of options, 无论你的兴趣或技能水平如何:

  • 校内的
  • 健身运动
  • 俱乐部体育
    适合那些喜欢小众运动的人,比如剑道, 壁球, 和极限飞盘(仅举几例)
  • 户外休闲
    Quad Cities地区有很多值得探索的地方,包括公园, 高尔夫球场, 绵延数英里的小径, 还有更多!

关注健康与娱乐频道的最新动态 推特 @健康RecSAU脸谱网.


大学最好的部分是什么? 在课堂之外与蜜蜂同伴交流. 点击下面探索校园生活的其他重要方面.